
  • Academic

    RichLyn Research Resource of the Week

    CINAHL indexes the top nursing and allied health literature available, including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. For this resource and others, use this…

  • Academic

    Internships for Spring, Summer, and Fall!

    The last day to submit internship contracts for the fall semester is Friday, September 8, 2023.  Companies Hiring for Spring and Summer Internships: NOW! There will be a Career Fair on Tuesday, September…

  • Academic

    Internships for Spring, Summer, and Fall!

    The last day to submit internship contracts for the fall semester is Friday, September 8, 2023.  Companies Hiring for Spring and Summer Internships: NOW! There will be a Career Fair on Tuesday, September…

  • Academic

    Logic Course

    I am writing this message to encourage students to take Logic (PL240) this semester. This Logic course is offered every fall ODD years. If you want to sharpen your skills of reasoning, or…

  • Academic

    Need Your UCF Books?

    Do you still need your MI 285 Understanding Christian Faith textbooks? Christianity’s Family Tree by Adam Hamilton What Christians Ought to Believe by Michael F. Bird Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us…

  • Academic

    Introduction to Philosophy — Online

    I’ll be teaching an Introduction to Philosophy online class this May. The class runs from May 1-26. Introduction to Philosophy is my favorite course because for many students it is their first philosophy…