
My Strengths in Academics

Arranger: Organizes items and resources

  • You enjoy a challenge that requires conceptualizing the way things fit together as a student. This potential to manage also applies to how people might work together as a team.
  • As an Arranger, seek multifaceted assignments because you can handle multiple tasks at one time.

Belief: Holds to specific core values

  • With Belief, you possess a strong sense of purpose and seek to live out this purpose, holding fast to values with conviction.
  • As a student, connect your values with the course or assignment-at-hand.

Command: Takes control of a situation

  • Your Command strength enables you to take charge and make decisions. You tend to be direct with dispassionate honesty.
  • In the classroom, be assertive, but remember to gain others’ opinions and input.

Communication: Puts thoughts into words

  • With Communication as a strength, you quickly put ideas into words and learn by talking. You tend to be a skilled presenter and writer.
  • Take time to translate course content into key phrases. Use your Communication strength to improve in-class presentations for a group.

To find out more, click here.


Posted By: Heather St. Peters