Senior Seminar in Mathematics Presentation
Please join us in attending Alexandria Maris’s Senior Seminar in Mathematics presentation. The presentation will take place on Monday, November 23 at 4:00 p.m. in Science Hall room 125 (which has ample room for appropriate physical distance). Alexandria, a four-year member of the golf team, will be presenting her research on how mathematical analysis can improve one’s chances of, but by no means guarantee, hitting a hole in one. Alexandria’s analysis strategies use elements from most of her HU math classes over the last 3 1/2 years (see the accompanying figure for an example from Calculus III).
As a math ed major, Miss Maris prides herself on her ability to present her approaches and results both technically and in intuitive terms. Alexandria loves the fact that she was able to combine two of her passions in this capstone research experience. Your presence and support is greatly appreciated!
Send an email to if you would like to be added to the Zoom list, in case face-to-face is not practical for you.
Posted By: Kevin Drury