
Financial Aid in the New Year

Happy Friday Foresters!

You’ve made it to the end of Fall 2020, and I am very proud of all that you have accomplished this semester! I’ve enjoyed watching your videos on social media, seeing you in the hallways, and reading about your accomplishments in the Forester Feed.

Now it’s time for some rest, rejuvenation, and reflection!

As you prepare to spend time with your family and friends (virtually or in-person) and wave good-bye to the fall 2020 semester, you may reflect upon your last few months and ponder what you can do in the new year to propel yourself toward your future goals.

If your mind wanders to financial aid concerns, here are some items to keep in mind:

  1. If you or your family have experienced significant financial changes due to a change or loss in job, excessive medical expenses, or other personal situations please reach out to the Office of Financial Aid in 2021 to discuss your situation. We may be able to help.
  2. Did you know that you can view your current student loan servicer and current student loan debt online? You can access this information at Click on “Financial Aid Review” and then log in using your FSA ID (that is the username and password you use to fill out the FAFSA). It is always a good idea to stay on top of what you have borrowed to date.
  3.  Speaking of using your FSA ID, why not take the time to complete a 21/22 FAFSA if you will be returning to college in 2021/2022? It’s a great idea to get an early start so that you have plenty of time to figure out your plan for next year.
  4. Outside scholarship applications usually open in January or February. Now’s the time to get a start on outside scholarships for next year. Google “community foundation” and the name of your county and state to start looking for scholarships in your community.
  5. Communicate with the Office of Financial Aid any time you have questions. I’ve been working in financial aid for over a decade and I still get stumped by financial aid questions on occasion. If you are concerned about something or aren’t sure what to do, please reach out to us at or (260) 359-4326. We are here to help!

Have a wonderful and safe Christmas season, Foresters! We can’t wait to see you back on campus in January!

Lisa Montany

Director, Office of Financial Aid


Posted By: Lisa Montany