Chapel 3/18 – Amanda Morris-Campbell
Amanda Morris-Campbell serves as the assistant campus pastor at Huntington University. Her duties primarily consist of shepherding the CMC staff, providing spiritual support to the campus community, and assisting with the ongoing ministry of the Center for Spiritual Formation and Intercultural Enrichment by offering informed godly counsel. Amanda holds a bachelor’s degree in worship leadership and a master’s degree in mental health counseling. Before joining the staff at Huntington University full-time, she spent three years as a graduate assistant to the Office of Campus Ministries and a year as a counseling intern at Taylor University Counseling Center.
Born in Auburn, Indiana, Amanda and her husband currently reside in Huntington. She credits God with using her time as a CMC while she was an undergrad at HU to lead her into counseling. Her love for HU runs deep, from memories of the soaped fountain, floor worship services in Livingston Hall, building a slip’n’slide on Livingston 2nd, and working the desk in Wright, to writing theology papers in the library. When she is not working, Amanda enjoys yoga, reading fantasy novels, and building blanket forts with her husband.
Join us this Thursday for her message, “Legacies of the Matriarch: Rebekah,” and stop by the DC after chapel to participate in a talkback discussion with Amanda and Rev. Arthur Wilson on women in the Abrahamic narratives.
Posted By: Center for Spiritual Formation