Hmmmm….Master of Arts in Theology or Master of Divinity?
Are you thinking about a graduate degree in ministry, but are wondering what the difference is between a Master of Arts in theology and a Master of Divinity?
Join Dr. Marc Cortez and Dr. Andrew Abernethy, two Wheaton College (IL) School of Biblical & Theological Studies professors, for a webinar on “How to Choose Between an M.Div. & a M.A.” on Monday, March 22 at 11:00 a.m., EST. They will share about their different graduate ministry study routes — one received a Master of Arts degree in theology, and the other, a Master of Divinity degree. Learn about the differences between these degrees, vocational paths, and helpful tips for your own journey of discernment and decision-making. Registrants can participate in a drawing to win free books by the presenters, and receive a free e-book download entitled “M.A. or M.Div? 5 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Next Degree”.
For more information and to register, go to
Posted By: Student Life
Posted By: Student Life