COVID Information and Reminders
As we start the fall semester of classes today, please read through a few highlights and reminders related to COVID. These are aimed at keeping our Forester Family as healthy as possible and helping to ensure clear lines of communication.
*Masks are required in classrooms and chapel at both Indiana locations for the first 30 days of the semester.
*Due to a mandate by Governor Ducey in Arizona, masks are currently optional/recommended for our Peoria, Arizona, location.
*Washing hands and using good hygiene practices are critical safeguards.
*A rapid testing clinic is available on the HU main campus from 2:30-3:30 p.m. on weekdays. The clinic is located in the lower level of Wright Hall, and students can enter through the lower level door facing the Habecker Dining Commons (with the HU Police Department logo overhead).
*Rapid tests may be made available at our Peoria, Arizona, and OTD-Fort Wayne locations. Students should contact the director for information.
*Students who have been fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine if identified as a close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID.
*Dr. Matt Pflieger, lead health official in Huntington County, will share a presentation on COVID and vaccines in Zurcher Auditorium on September 8 at 11:00 a.m.
*A vaccine clinic will be available on the HU main campus on September 10 and 13. More information will be forthcoming.
*Students who do not feel well should notify the Office of Student Life immediately. Students at the Peoria, Arizona, and Fort Wayne locations should notify their director.
*Further information can be found at within the COVID-19 Campus Plan link. Questions may be directed to
Posted By: Russ Degitz
Posted By: Russ Degitz