2021 Flu Shots
Flu Shots – Thursday, October 28 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. If you previously signed up, you are still on the list.
Lower Level Dowden Science Hall in 074 (the main nursing lab)
Sign up here or email Holly (htester@huntington.edu) to be added to the list for your flu shot. You are not signing up for a time, just notifying us that you will be attending.
No appointment is necessary but is appreciated. Walk-ins are welcome on the day of the clinic!
- Please bring your insurance card for billing
- $8 for uninsured and Medicare
- Cash or checks payable to HCHD (no debit or credit cards)
For questions about eligibility or financial assistance, please call the Huntington County Health Department at (260) 358-4831.
Posted By: Department of Nursing
Posted By: Department of Nursing