Last Day – Scavenger Hunt
Please be mindful of not taking the clues/papers with you; please leave them where you found them. ISC has gotten emails of missing or misplaced clues.
Remember: The first person who sends all the correct answers to ISC will get a $50 gift card. The second and third person will receive a $25 gift card each. Please note that this event is open to every student on campus! Once you have all six answers, send them to ISC@huntington.edu.
Here is the clue for you to find the fifth question.
Clue for the place:
Batman and Superman are among my creations, but HU uses my name with different intentions. We come in different colors, with great diversification.
Batman and Superman are among my creations, but HU uses my name with different intentions. We come in different colors, with great diversification.
Hint: You see it mostly in the mornings.
Good luck on the final day!
Posted By: International Student Council
Posted By: International Student Council