
Are Password Managers Really That Great?

Password managers allow you to use truly random passwords (things humans could never remember – e.g. &gi_l:B*Ek2o), allowing you to have a unique, strong password for all your accounts. But they are controlled with a single password stored only in your mind. If you forget it, it can be difficult or impossible to recover. Also, if that master password is compromised, so are all the others. 

Password managers do not guarantee 100% safety for your passwords. There are many security vulnerabilities present in popular companies. So it is important to conduct research to see which manager is most effective and protective. 

Despite the drawbacks of a password manager, they remain one of the better choices for keeping track of unique passwords. They tend to be more secure than any of the other options (i.e. writing down passwords, reusing passwords, etc.). 


Posted By: IT Services - Paige Wheeler