Student Activities

Forester Lecture: Faith in Our Academic Disciplines

The next Forester Lecture is Tuesday, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Zurcher Auditorium.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Emeritus Russel Howell, the inaugural Branebec Lecturer of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (details of the lectureship here).

As part of Professor Howell’s “Midwest tour” that includes faith integration lectures at HU, Taylor, and IWU, he will spend Monday evening, March 13, through Wednesday morning, March 15, on our home campus. Send an email to if you and a small group of like-minded students would like to have a meal with our guest (expenses covered by Forester Lecture funds).

At 4:00 p.m. on March 14 in SH225, Professor Howell will give a more technical mathematics talk for the Smith Lecture Series aimed at undergraduate science students. In his Smith Lecture, Dr. Howell will connect the underlying mathematics of recursion to its computer science applications. This is open to all but may especially appeal to science students.

At 7:00 p.m. in Zurcher Auditorium, Professor Howell will give a much less technical talk. In this talk (the Forester Lecture), intended for a general academic audience, he will explore details surrounding an essay published in 1734 by George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. The essay title is The Analyst, or a Discourse to an Infidel Mathematician. Note that this is not a technical math talk. Instead, mathematics is used as a vehicle for exploring the integration of faith with academic disciplines.

Rev. Vincenti has kindly made this event eligible for spiritual formation credit. Please consider attending these “value added” spiritual and intellectual HU events.


Posted By: Kevin Drury