
What Are the Consequences of Phishing Attacks?

What are the consequences of phishing attacks? 

Suppose a malicious link or attachment is opened, and malware is downloaded onto your computer. In that case, the malware cannot only take control of your computer and access all your personal data but also spread through your network to the entire organization. 

If the phishing email asks for your organization account login, the hacker now has the ability to log into your organization’s systems and browse while pretending to be you. This allows the hacker to pass through undetected. This is one of the most powerful tools for a hacker and one of the main reasons humans are targeted. 

If the hacker can obtain personal information such as your SSN, bank account details, etc., they can now access your personal life. The hacker has the ability to control your personal assets, which they can block you from using, steal from, and much more. 


Posted By: IT Services - Paige Wheeler