Chapel 9/10 – Clinton Faupel
Find Clinton’s message, “Be a ‘How Are You?’ Culture,” on iAttended. If you are unable to watch specifically on the app and must watch on the web platform, please contact Rachel Hart for verification questions in order to receive credit.
Clinton Faupel is the co-founder and executive director of RemedyLIVE, a web-based crisis center that provides 24/7 hope and live chat interaction for young adults who are struggling with secret issues in their life. He’s also the creator of the Get Schooled Tour, a one-hour interactive assembly program that helps lower the stigma around mental illness among students. Clinton has been working with teens since 1989 and strives to innovate how institutions can better engage youth and young adults at the core of their identity.
Clinton speaks to thousands of people per year about how secret struggles do not need to have the final say on their future. He’s passionate about helping young people with mental health issues and outfitting parents and educators on how to approach the youth they have relationship with. Clinton is an interactive communicator who uses proprietary technology he helped create to engage his audience.
Posted By: Center for Spiritual Formation