
Student Involvements

As a service to students, we will list your involvements for the years that you attend Huntington University.  This is helpful when you graduate for listing on your resumes. HU also uses this list when you are in consideration for recognition, such as Forester of the Year, Front Line Forester, Homecoming alumni events, etc.

Go to the HU Portal students’ tab and choose My Student Involvements from the options listed on the left-hand side.

For your Huntington University records, please list any activities, organizations, or clubs you participated in (not classes, Dean’s list, or sports, as those will be on your record) during the 2020-2021 academic year.  Activity examples: honor societies, Homecoming Court, SGA member, RA, CMC, plays, etc.

If you have any questions on an activity, please contact Margaret Pasko



Posted By: Margaret Pasko