Exit Surveys & Cap & Gown Pickup Info For Grads!
If you are graduating in May of 2021, the HU Office of Alumni Relations needs you to take an exit survey before you pick up your regalia and graduation tickets. Starting tomorrow, April 8, you can go to huntington.edu/Commencement, click on the appropriate link, and take your exit survey! This site has all the essential info you need to prepare for Commencement.
The links can be found here as well:
Undergrad survey
Grad School survey
Online Programs survey
Grad school and online program grads should go to the Office of Graduate and Online Programs in Loew-Brenn Hall on Thursday, April 15 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. to pick up their regalia. Tonya Horvath will mail items to those who cannot pick up in person.
Traditional undergrads should go to the 2nd floor of the HUB to pick up their regalia and Commencement tickets on Tuesday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Wednesday, April 21 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. If you cannot make it during these times, please contact Janelle Taylor at jtaylor@huntington.edu to schedule an alternate pickup time.
OTD grads: The Doctoral Program in Occupational Therapy faculty and staff will have your items ready for you at your hooding ceremony on May 7.
HU Arizona grads: HU Arizona faculty and staff will distribute your items to you.
The Office of Alumni Relations congratulates each of you on a job well done; we look forward to welcoming you into the HU Alumni Association!
Posted By: Janelle Taylor
Posted By: Janelle Taylor