
Week 3 Writing Center Tips

Week 3 Writing Center Tips:

Consistent use of tense

  • Consistent use of tense is essential whether you’re writing for an English course, Bible course, or history course. Make sure you know what your professor expects from you, and then stick to that throughout the paper. Switching between present, past, and future tense throughout the paper hinders clarity.

Consistent capitalization

  • If you intend to capitalize a word, make sure you do so consistently throughout the paper. It is also important to know when to capitalize something and when not to.
    • Generally, you should capitalize proper nouns, names, adjectives based on place names (Irish, German, etc.), adjectives based on names (Shakespearean, Darwinian, etc.), adjectives from religions (Islamic, Christian, etc.), and specific governments (British Government, American Government, etc.).


Posted By: Melissa Gordon