Chapel Credit: Alpha Chi Virtual Induction
The following students have achieved the highest academic honor on campus of having been elected to the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society and will each be honored in an Induction Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 23, 2020, here.
The ceremony will end by 11:50, and chapel credit will be given for attending. The students who will be honored are Andrew Cauldwell, Jonathan Dieken, Gabe Eisenhut, Miranda Gust, Sylvia Harris, Erika James, Sydney Kallem, Zachariah Lail, Seth Parsell, Leah Schmiedel, Onalivia Smith, Mapuana Stephens, Hannah Stoffel, Hannah Taylor, Sandrina Thompson, Brent Thurber, Jonathan Wagner, and Kent Yoder. Come and be inspired by their achievements!
Posted By: Ruth Nalliah