Campus Ministries
Sojourner Applications
Are you interested in growing in your walk with Jesus? Would you like to invite others on that journey with you? Sojourners might be a good fit! Applications open January 30 and can…
We are looking for Sojourners for Commuters
Commuter Announcement: We are seeking someone who could serve as a Sojourner for our commuters next year. Sojourners are people interested in entering a one-year discipleship journey of growing deeper in their own…
Chapel Speaker for this Week
Today’s chapel is Fred Lynch again! We are so thankful he has chosen to spend the week with us. His words were so powerful on Tuesday, and we know that he will do…
Commuter Chapel Location for This Friday
If you are a commuter, please join us at Commuter Chapel! We will be meeting in RichLyn Library to listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.…
Chapel Speakers for This Week
Welcome back to the spring 2023 semester! We hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the new year. Today’s chapel is a Praise and Prayer Kickoff! Joyful Noise will be…
Register for Spring in iAttended
Welcome back to the spring semester!! This year, we will be using the iAttended app. Through this service, you will be able to check in to chapels and other spiritual life credit opportunities…
iAttended Update – Live QR
Dear Students, we would like to inform you that our QR system at chapel will be slightly different. We have been made aware of students taking a picture of the QR code and…
Spiritual Life Credits Are Being Finalized Soon
Your spiritual life credits are being finalized on Friday, December 9. Please have your credits verified by 3:00 p.m. on December 9. I will be sending out chapel delinquencies during finals week. Email…
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
WHEN: 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 7WHERE: MCA Longaker Recital HallGUEST SPEAKER: Austin Thoms, former high school & NCAA women’s basketball coach *Spiritual credit will be given!*
Chapel Speakers for this Week
Tuesday’s chapel is a student speaker, Isaiah Bland. Come here his message on “Rest” and how to live that out in our daily lives. You won’t want to miss this one. Thursday’s chapel…