Campus Ministries
Chapel 10/29 – Faith & Politics: Dr. Dwight Brautigam
“I hate politics.” “Politics is disgusting.” “Don’t Christians have more important things to do than get involved in politics?” If you agree with these ideas or something similar, you are definitely not alone.…
Faith & Politics Panel TONIGHT
This evening at 7:00 p.m., you are invited to join us for a Faith & Politics panel discussion on Zoom. It will be featuring conversations from students and faculty, as they respond to…
UCAN Crush Hunger
It’s time for our annual UCAN Crush Hunger food drive! Help us collect food for Love INC in this friendly competition among local universities. You can donate by placing cans in the bins…
Chapel 10/27 – Faith & Politics: Mayor Strick
Today we are pleased to welcome Huntington’s Mayor Richard Strick to speak as part of our Faith & Politics week. His message, “On Being Numbered and Weighed: Straining for a Redemptive Political Life,”…
CMC Hall Chapels
It’s Hall Chapel time again! If you are unaware of your hall’s event this month, reach out to a CMC for more information. For October, Livingston Hall’s chapel is again open to the…
President Emberton & Rev. Arthur Wilson – Faith, Race, and Politics
President Emberton and Rev. Arthur Wilson engage in a heartfelt conversation about faith, race, and politics. This video can be found on iAttended and will count towards chapel credit.
Chapel 10/20 – Domestic Violence Awareness
Today’s chapel is dedicated to domestic violence awareness, and Colleen Connell will be sharing her story on iAttended. Colleen is a mom to five sons, social worker, best-selling author, and nationally known public…
Faith and Politics – Polling Statements
As the election approaches, the Center for Spiritual Formation is partnering with the Department of History and Political Science to host a week of discussions surrounding faith and politics. As we prepare to…
Chapel 10/15 – BOT Livestream
This morning, join us for the livestream of our Board of Trustees chapel service, as leaders share messages of how God has been faithful to our University during these uncertain times. Joyful Noise…
Chapel 10/13 – Sandra Haraguchi
Sandra Haraguchi is a senior currently studying missions and international development studies with a minor in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL). She has been involved with the HU women’s soccer team,…