
  • General

    Appreciation Postcards

    Bless your professors by sending them a postcard of appreciation! Tables will be set up in the HUB and Science Hall throughout the week of February 17-21. Write a note to a faculty…

  • General

    Day of Giving Volunteers Needed

    We’re excited to promote “Day of Giving” on March 11-12! To make this event a success, we need your help! We’re looking for students to record quick five-minute videos sharing one thing you…

  • General

    Jenzabar CX Server Maintenance

    Jenzabar CX/SEM, Cognos, and the campus portal ( will be unavailable from 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 22, until 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 23, due to a server upgrade. This outage will…

  • General

    Camp Echoing Hills at the HUB!

    Camp Echoing Hills will be at the HUB today! They are a Christian camp that serves adults and kids with disabilities. They are located in Coshocton County, Ohio, and have programs year-round including…

  • General

    The Dessert Decoration Station

    Come celebrate the Valentine’s week with FREE food this Wednesday! We will have donuts, cookies, and brownies that you can decorate with icing and sprinkles. If you do not want one of these…

  • General

    Rylie Raber’s Senior Recital

    Huntington Performing Arts Department presents the senior recital of soprano Rylie Raber, featuring her favorite pieces from her time at Huntington University. Rylie will showcase several selections and guest Aubry Williams will join…

  • General

    Counseling Services

    Are you struggling with relationships, anxiety, depression, or want to sort out life? Counseling services are offered to students, free of charge. Counseling services are confidential, and we want to walk alongside of you…