
  • General

    Chief Keirsh’s Safety Tip

    Did you know that students are actively involved in keeping HU safe? Since becoming your Chief of Police, it has been my desire to implement Community Oriented Policing Strategies on campus. One of…

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    SALT Million Meal Packing Event

    The Student-Athlete Leadership Team (SALT) and the Office of Athletics are planning a huge community service event in partnership with Million Meal Movement, an organization based in Indianapolis, and your help is needed.…

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    A New Information Security Protocol

    Today, IT Services is implementing a new security protocol to help you recognize potentially harmful email messages. When you receive an email message from outside of Huntington University (someone without an HU email…

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    YMCA Partnership

    Beginning on March 1, Huntington University and the Parkview Huntington Family YMCA have partnered to allow HU students the opportunity to become YMCA members and use the YMCA facility at no cost for…

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    Herbarium Open House – Today

    We are hosting an open house at the Fred Loew Herbarium this afternoon, from 3:00-3:50 p.m. There will be some light refreshments, and you can examine plant specimens going back to the 1880s…

  • General

    Smith Lecture Today on Citizen Science

    This afternoon, at 4:00 p.m. in Hiner Hall (SH225), Scott Namestnik, Indiana’s state botanist, will be on campus to provide a Smith Lecture in honor of the late Fred Sherlock and the recent…

  • General

    Spanish Interpreter

    The Meal Ministry in downtown Huntington serves a free meal to the community every night, seven nights a week from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Many of the participants are homeless and come to…