Student Activities
Friday is Therapy Dog Day
Come to the HUB on Friday from 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. to receive a warm welcome from Clarabelle the Therapy Dog. You will be glad you did, and so will she!
Blood Drive on November 14
Huntington University and the Friesen Center are partnering with the American Red Cross to do a blood drive on November 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the upper level of the Dining Commons. Blood transfusions…
Blood Drive on November 14
Huntington University and the Friesen Center are partnering with the American Red Cross to do a blood drive on November 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the upper level of the Dining Commons. Blood transfusions…
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
It’s almost the Christmas season, and the Friesen Center is collecting Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes once again! The boxes will be available after the OCC Chapel on November 3 and can be dropped…
Operation Christmas Child Boxes Available in the HUB
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are available in the HUB for anyone interested in filling a box for a child. Not sure you want to do a box? See the incredible impact this mission…
Crush Hunger? Yes, U Can!
Did you crush your hunger today with food? Why not crush someone else’s hunger too? Huntington University is partnering with surrounding schools to participate in a friendly competition to collect canned goods for…
Blanket Party
Enjoy a stress reliever with the Friesen Center team and ABLE creating no-sew blankets for children in the hospital. Join us in the upper HUB on Wednesday, November 15 from 4:00-7:30 p.m. Includes…
Men’s Basketball Tailgate!!
Join the SALT and the Friesen Center before the men’s basketball game on Wednesday, November 8 for a fun time of food and games!!! This event starts at 6:00 p.m. in the Fieldhouse.…
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
It’s almost the Christmas season, and the Friesen Center is collecting Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes once again! The boxes will be available after the OCC Chapel on November 3 and can be dropped…
Forester Lecture Tonight @ 7:00 p.m.
Forester Lecture tonight at 7:00 p.m. in Zurcher Auditorium (eligible for spiritual life credit): Dr. Joshua Swamidass will present “The Genealogy of Adam and Eve.” Professor Swamidass has published over 150 articles. He…