Student Activities
Shout-out Your Valentine on the Radio
Forester Radio is offering the chance to do something memorable for your special someone this Valentine’s Day! For a $3 donation, you can have a DJ shout-out to your friend or special someone…
Valentine’s Day Grams for Sale in the HUB
Ever wanted to surprise one of your friends with a fun Valentine’s Day song performed by a group of theatre kids? Well, now is your chance! APO and the Performing Arts Department are…
Soul Food Café
Soul Food Café is coming back to HU this Friday from 6:00-8:00 p.m.! Bring yourself and some friends and come join us in the Upper HUB for a wonderful celebration of Black History…
Calling All Clubs to the HU Opportunities Fair at Admitted Student Weekend
February 15-16 is Admitted Student Weekend for our incoming and interested students for this fall! Students have a chance to learn more about campus and student life at the HU Opportunities Fair. This…
Shout Out Your Valentine on the Radio
Forester Radio is offering the chance to do something memorable for your special someone this Valentine’s Day! For a $3 donation, you can have a DJ record a shoutout for you. Or, for…
Hall Crawl!
Student life and the admissions office will be hosting our annual Hall Crawl on Saturday, February 15, at 9:45 p.m.! Come out and join us for a fun snack in each of the…
StoryCon — February 22
StoryCon is all about celebrating stories and the writers who tell them. With presentations and workshops from experienced storytellers and time with fellow writers who share your love of story, this is sure…
Blanket Party
Join us for a blanket-making party! The Friesen Center team is hosting a blanket party on February 6 in the upper Hub from 6-8 p.m. Students will be have the opportunity to make…
We Need Hosts!
We’re looking for overnight hosts for Admitted Students Weekend on February 15 and 16! Would you be interested in hosting a prospective HU student in your room? The commitment would be from Saturday,…