• General

    LAST CALL for Spring Internships!

    ALL spring internship contracts must be submitted by Saturday, February 1. If you want a summer internship, NOW is the time to apply for summer internships! Contact Career Services for resume help, and…

  • General

    HU Biology Apparel Pop-up Store

    The HU biology department is partnering with Coach’s Connection here in Huntington to host a pop-up store where you can purchase apparel sporting a biology department logo. Here’s the link! https://hubiology2025.itemorder.com/shop/home/ You purchase…

  • General

    Jamaica Mission Trip Reopened!

    Jamaica Trip spots are available! The mission trip is May 6-13. Come and make a difference in another country and grow your academic experience! Scholarships are available for those who qualify. Contact Anita…

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    Counseling Services

    Are you struggling with relationships, anxiety, depression, or want to sort out life? Counseling services are offered to students, free of charge. Counseling services are confidential, and we want to walk alongside of you…

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    Peer Mentors for ABLE

    The ABLE Program is looking for volunteers! We need students who are willing to do homework, life skill tasks, or grab lunch with our ABLE students on campus. If you have one hour…

  • General

    Free Commuter Emergency Kits

    Hello HU commuters! I hope you are all staying nice and warm! Inside the Loew-Brenn Commuter Lounge are free emergency weather kits for you all! They’ll include a few items that could be…

  • General

    Carving Club

    Have you ever thought it would be cool to whittle something out of wood? The unofficial carving club may be something you’d be interested in. A group of us meet most Fridays at…